Clarinetquintet 'Imagination'

ID: SM-000034670
Alternative title Two mouvements: 1.Moon Passion 2.Sun Passion
ComposerKoen Dejonghe
PublisherKoen Dejonghe
Year of composition 2005
Genre Classical / Chamber music
Instrumentation Clarinet, Violin, Viola, Cello
Scored forQuintet
Type of scoreFull score
Duration 11'0"
Description This tonal clarinetquintet of 10 minutes, has everything for the virtuosic clarinetplayer: after a short fast introduction it's very songful in the first mouvement("Moon Passion") and much virtuosic parts in the second mouvement ("Sun Passion") with an additional percussionpart and composed in a mood of happiness. The strings are easy to play.
The MP3 is played by Kris Vuylsteke and his friends on a CD (
Upload date 21.08.2010
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Sheet music file
PDF, 519.3 Kb (30 p.)


Serhii Pavlovich

Very cool modern music 😊 you must write some else...👍👍👍you are Composer!

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