Clarinetquintet Imagination – Percussion Part

ID: SM-000035293
ComposerKoen Dejonghe
PublisherKoen Dejonghe
Year of composition 2005
Genre Classical / Chamber music
Instrumentation Cymbals, Bongos, Bass drum, Temple blocks
Scored forQuintet
Type of scoreParts
Duration 11'0"
Difficulty Easy
Description This tonal clarinetquintet of 10 minutes, has everything for the virtuosic clarinetplayer: after a short fast introduction it's very songful in the first mouvement("Moon Passion") and much virtuosic parts in the second mouvement ("Sun Passion") with an additional percussionpart and composed in a mood of happiness. The strings are easy to play. The MP3 is played by Kris Vuylsteke and his friends on a CD (
Upload date 25.08.2010
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Sheet music file
PDF, 171.6 Kb (4 p.)


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